The Un-Separation Of Friendship And Husband

I've noticed that with a lot of people, they have friends and then they have spouses. Not too many people identify both roles with one person. Most people have their spouse - whom they love. Then they have their best friend whom they spend all the rest of their time with. I have a really hard time separating those roles when it comes to Mr. Romance and I. Simply, because I don't want to.
I do wish I had more friends I could text or call or hang out with sometimes. Most of the time, I just really want him to be there with me. And maybe this is because we spent so much of our relationship/marriage being apart. He was always working 24 hour (or longer) shifts. When I had time to go out, I wanted to spend that time with him. Over so many years of doing that, I got used to it always being him. I enjoy that time of hanging out as a family. I enjoy that time of it just being he and I hanging out. Even now that he no longer works long hours, I love him being around. I love being around him.
When it comes time to hang out with people, they don't understand why I want him to be there too. They see him as my husband. They don't understand that he's my friend too. I want more friends who believe in and support the un-separation of friendship and husband.
"I ain't changed, but I know I ain't the same."
The Wallflowers
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