The hardest part about starting a new blog is the very first post. Should I write an introduction? Should I just get on with what I want to say? I couldn't find a golden rule for first posts. I figure if you find this blog and read through it, you'll get to know me. For now, I'll start you off with a top five.
The top five things you'll need to know:
1. My heart is almost always worn on my sleeve.
2. My family and I have goals and nothing... I mean nothing... will keep us from achieving those goals.
3. If I have no music in my life, I shut down. I need it. I need to relate to it. I need to dance to it. I need to cry to it. I just need it. Period.
4. I have a really hard time dealing with negative people. A really hard time.
5. Aside from Mr. Romance, I don't have very many real friends, if any at all. It was my decision to cut ties with some good friends I had in the past. I needed to move on - for only reasons I will understand. I only regret it sometimes, but do miss them often. Now we're on a new journey... full of possibilities.
Everything else you'll learn along the way.....
"All night hearing voices telling me that I should get some sleep
Because tomorrow might be good for something."
Because tomorrow might be good for something."
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