As it turns out, I will not be ending my generosity blog. I took a good week off and thankfully I had already scheduled a few things, so most people didn't notice. It seems like every time I think about ending it, someone shows me huge support out of the blue. I'm pretty sure they have no idea I was about to close down, but it definitely has great timing.
Yesterday, it was a local independent movie theater that I love giving me lots of love on their facebook page. I wrote up an article about them and featured their free summer movie program for kids. I never told them I wrote it but they discovered it the very day I wrote it and gave me lots of praise for writing it via their Facebook fan page. Of course, I gushed a lot because I love love love that theater! They're a non-profit theater who plays only independent films and those that never make it on to the big screen. Did I mention they're non-profit? ;)
Sometimes all it takes is a little appreciation to know you're making a difference. Made some new fans this week and reaffirmation that I'm doing something that needs to be done. While this may just be a spark and not yet a flame, I have once again found inspiration to keep on keeping on.
Try it again, breathing's just a rhythm
Say it in your mind until you know that the words are right
This is why we fight."
-Regina Spektor
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