For the past few years, I've taken up blogging on a professional level. Yes, that means I've been paid for writing a blog. It's been a great way to work from home that has brought amazing opportunities, friendships, and has helped feed the wallet. I don't do it because of these things though. I do it because I love writing about things I know. Along the way, I learned to market my knowledge thanks to social media (yes, it's a love/hate relationship).
That being said, being here for my family has been my number one goal. Second, I have me to take care of - which is something I put on the back burner for a long long long time.
Blogging is a lot of hard work when you turn it into a business. A lot of people start to rely on you on a daily basis. There's a lot of guilt when I can't be there because I'm a little too overwhelmed with my regular life. And in such a competitive business (who would have thought the blogging community would be so competitive?), you really have to have new content daily if you want to be successful.
My life has taken a few turns since I first started writing. I simply can't keep up with the demand of me. It does sadden me to think of this coming to an end. Why? Because what I have written, I feel like it needs to be out there. People need to learn more about giving and how easy it is to make a difference in the world. I'm so passionate about it. It's hard to take something I'm so passionate about and put it away for a while. I will never look back at this career of writing as being a bad thing - or even a stressful thing. But I have a feeling it's coming to an end.
I feel as if my tower is unbalanced and I need to tear it down and start over. Some days when I reflect on my existence, I have no idea how I got here or even what I'm doing exactly. I need to renew the foundation of me... and build from there.
I'll show you where the rain gets in
And I'll show you hurricanes
And the way that summer fades
Underneath the weight of it all"
-Matt Nathanson
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